Run Like Mad
“But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "We’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Eugene Marathon and Half 2022
We had 8 marathoners in the race, 3 marathon pacers, and 7 half-marathon runners. It was an amazing experience to run on our home course but with the new experience of finishing on the new Hayward field. It was a big day and there were some incredible PR's for the day. PR or not it was an accomplishment for everyone who ran that day. Many of our runners faced long periods of stress, illness, or injury over the past year and this race was a celebration of progress and how much everyone has overcome. So proud of the team, many tears this day.
Chris Mitchell
Final Time 2:38:38
1st Age Group Winner, 4th Masters
NYC and Boston Marathon Qualifier
New Overall PR (by ~5minutes)Lyndy Davis
Final Time: 2:52:16
NYC and Boston Marathon Qualifier
First marathon with the team!
Dan Bowers
Final Time: 2:58:51
Boston Marathon Qualifier
"I was really happy to run my second sub-3 hour marathon at Eugene this year, and get my qualifier for a return trip to Boston, hopefully with many of my 5AM teammates. While I didn't PR, I feel like I ran a smart race given how my body was feeling, and overall I definitely think this spring training cycle was a big success for me. Finishing on the track at Hayward is always a plus!"
Erin Beltran Whiteaker
Final Time: 2:59:58
7th Masters
NYC and Boston Marathon Qualifier
New Overall PR (by 10+ minutes)
"Hayward Field is where the monikers 'Track Town, USA' and the 'Emerald City' converge. There’s no place like Hayward. Finishing on this historic track and taking a piece of the old stadium with me, in the form of a finisher’s medal, makes my first Eugene Marathon all the more significant."
Kate Kelp-Stebbins
Final Time: 3:04:41
9th Masters
NYC and Boston Marathon Qualifier
New Overall PR (by ~7 minutes)
"It’s such a magical experience to feel the paths and streets you’ve run a thousand times transformed through the power of race day. One thing stays the same: Lonn will suddenly pop up where you least expect him and shout exactly the right thing to keep you pushing through."
Sam Cochran
Pacer for the 3:10 Marathon Group
Finish Time: 3:09:34
Morgan Christensen
Final Time: 3:12:49
NYC and Boston Marathon Qualifier
New Overall PR
Kate Willett
Final Time: 3:12:15
3rd in Age Group
NYC and Boston Marathon Qualifier
New Overall PR (by 5+ minutes)
Jenn Lewis
Final Time: 3:14:54
Boston Marathon Qualifier
New Overall PR (by 20+minutes)
"This has been a goal I've been looking to conquer for a long time. After a series of unfortunate events - getting hit by a car, struggling through graduate school, COVID - this was my first marathon in 7 years. I am not a natural marathon runner; it's a very difficult distance for my body and this was a big victory for me to reach this time. It is another example of how running has helped me find strength and courage in myself."
Allison Churchill
Pacer for the 3:30 Marathon Group
Finish time: 3:29:11
"Pacing the marathon (versus racing it) was fulfilling in a whole new way - it was humbling and exciting and connected me to my community in a way that can’t even be put into words. A chance to reflect on everyone else’s stories and what brought us all here. The highlight of the race was seeing everyone finish amongst the shouts, claps, smiles, and history of Hayward Field."
Jesse Klein
Pacer for the 3:40 Marathon Group
Finish time 3:39:56
First Road Marathon
Kacia Woldridge
Final Time: 1:27:18
NYC Marathon Qualifier
New Overall PR (by 3+ minutes)
Corey Shaw
Final Time: 1:35:26
New Overall PR
Scott Bush
Final Time: 1:37:00
"This was a confidence builder post-injury. Not my fastest effort but I was thrilled to hit the exact time I was seeking."
Ashley Conklin
Final Time: 1:52:32
Lizzy Bates
Final Time: 1:44:58
Baby's first Marathon
Bill Willkins
DNF - switched to the Half-Marathon during the race
© 2019